KBC - Khandakapala Buddhist Center
KBC stands for Khandakapala Buddhist Center
Here you will find, what does KBC stand for in Non-Governmental Organization under Organization category.
Popular queries with answer
How to abbreviate Khandakapala Buddhist Center? Khandakapala Buddhist Center can be abbreviated as KBC What does KBC stand for? KBC stands for Khandakapala Buddhist Center. What does Khandakapala Buddhist Center mean?Khandakapala Buddhist Center is an expansion of KBC
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Alternative definitions of KBC
- Birch Creek, Alaska USA
- Kentucky Baptist Creativity
- Knowledge Based Culture
- Korean Ballistics Corporation
- Killing Brain Cell
- Kenya Broadcasting Corporation
- KBC Advanced Technologies
View 72 other definitions of KBC on the main acronym page
Nearby abbreviations with meaning
- KN Khaniqahi Nimatullahi
- KGA Khmer Girls in Action
- KHA Khmer Health Advocates
- KKKANJI Khmer Kampuchea Krom Association of NJ, Inc.
- KF Khyentse Foundation
- KPI Kiboko Projects Inc.
- KSI KickStart International
- KSII KickStart International Inc.
- KAF Kid Angel Foundation
- KK Kid Ko.
- KPN Kid Protection Network
- K Kidango
- KKW Kidd's Kids - Website
- K&UFA Kidney & Urology Foundation of America
- KFGCAI Kidney Foundation of the Greater Chattanooga Area Inc.
- KTFI Kidpower-Teenpower-Fullpower International
- KC Kids 'n Cars
- KKMP Kids 'n Kinship Mentoring Program
- KAC Kids Against Cancer
- KF Kids and Families 1st